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Jakarta Live Traffic View with Nokia Maps on Nokia Lumia Windows Phone 8

Couple weeks ago, we already posted on our twitter timeline that Nokia Maps application and Nokia Here Maps application + web are now support "Live Traffic" view in Jakarta area.

In this post, we will show you how to enable "Live Traffic" view with Nokia Maps on your Nokia Lumia Windows Phone 8.

  • Make Sure you already installed the latest Nokia Maps app
    • The latest version is
  •  Make sure you already download Maps data to your Nokia Maps app
    • How To Download:
      1. Open Nokia Maps app
      2. Tap "Option" (3 bullets on your bottom right)
      3. Tap Download Maps
      4. Tap Download New Maps
      5. Tap "+" to add new maps
      6. Choose a continent
      7. Choose maps data and Download
  • Make Sure you have Internet connection

Enabling Live Traffic feature
  1. Open your Nokia Maps
  2. Tap "Layer" option on your bottom right screen
  3. Tap "traffic" layer
  4. Live traffic in Jakarta will appear on your Maps


Jakarta Live Traffic View with Nokia Maps on Nokia Lumia Windows Phone 8 Jakarta Live Traffic View with Nokia Maps on Nokia Lumia Windows Phone 8 Reviewed by Rizky Adriansyah on Januari 05, 2013 Rating: 5