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Hands-On "Nokia Pro Cam" on Nokia Lumia 920 with Amber Update - Screen Shots & Demo Video

"Nokia Pro Cam" is an exclusive lens application by Nokia that offers you some professionals photography features to your Nokia Lumia Windows Phone 8 with Lumia Amber Update (Currently only available for Nokia Lumia 1020 - will be available to other devices soon).

With "Nokia Pro Cam" you can easily change some camera settings right on your live screen camera.

There are some settings that you can adjust for capturing the best photo like manual focus, change exposure, shutter speed, ISO and white balance. You can also re framing, change aspect ratio of your pictures, turn on shutter delay and bracketing mode.

So let's take a look to "Nokia Pro Cam" screen shots below & Demo Video on Nokia Lumia 1020

Default screen

Setting on live screen

Adjust Setting (White Balance, manual focus, ISO, Shutter Speed)

Re framing

Change Aspect Ration

Picture Info

Video mode with White Balance & Manual Focus Setting

Picture Settings

Video Settings

Camera Grid

Bracketing setting

Sample photo, Auto settings, Re framing & Change aspect ratio

  • Nokia Lumia Windows Phone 8 with Lumia Amber Update
    • Currently only available for Nokia Lumia 1020
  • Free

Hands-On "Nokia Pro Cam" on Nokia Lumia 920 with Amber Update - Screen Shots & Demo Video Hands-On "Nokia Pro Cam" on Nokia Lumia 920 with Amber Update - Screen Shots & Demo Video Reviewed by Rizky Adriansyah on Agustus 10, 2013 Rating: 5